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Digital Resilience: Managing Cyber Security and Data Privacy

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About Course

Considering the above-mentioned trends, the objective of this course is to introduce the participants to the fifth dimension of warfare; the cyber arena. It will help students build awareness about cyber threats they are likely to experience, the compliance challenges they will face, the operational dilemmas they will need to address, and, crucially, what actions to take in case of cyber incidents.


Participants will learn about digital technologies and how to create a digital strategy, as well as how to bring these technologies into the organization to create value. This elective covers this gap by bringing cross-disciplinary expertise together on domains such as cybersecurity, privacy, digital consumer behaviour, and, compliance and ethics, so that participants are informed about trust building practices in the digital domain.


Course Objectives

This intensive two-day online course covers key questions necessary to understand and manage cybersecurity and privacy in an organisation. We will use a combination of online lectures, virtual group work, simulation and discussions of real cases. At the end of this course, students will become intelligent consumers of the advice provided by Chief Security Officers (CSOs) or external consultants. Participants do not need any previous knowledge in IT or cybersecurity, the focus is on general managers and directors.

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What Will You Learn?

  • Be able to identify core theory that assists with managing digital resilience
  • Understand the cybersecurity threats, and be able to communicate them effectively to the rest of the leadership team and the board,
  • Recognize the new consumer and technology trends in privacy and data protection,
  • Understand what the GDPR means for businesses from a risk, governance and opportunity perspective,
  • Be prepared for a cyber-incident, discover human biases that lead to ineffective behaviour, and be able to design a response strategy,
  • Argue the importance of dealing with cybersecurity at the board level.

Course Content

Core theory – when managing digital resilience

Cybersecurity threats

Communication with leadership team and the board level on cyber security

The new consumer and technology trends in privacy and data protection

What the GDPR means for businesses from a risk, governance and opportunity perspective

The importance of dealing with cybersecurity at the board level.

Preparedness and checks for a cyber-incident

Discover human biases in cyber threats

Design a response strategy for digital resilience