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Electronic Records Management

Categories: Enterprise Management
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About Course

The 3-day course will provide participants with both a theoretical and practical understanding of the key concepts of Electronic Records Management including Archiving. The course will give an overview of records management terminology, concepts, and procedures to successfully manage records in today’s offices. It also touches on the legal issues around record retention.

What Will You Learn?

  • Understand the various criteria used in appraisal.
  • What is records Appraisal
  • Objectives for Records appraisal
  • Challenges encountered during appraisal
  • Draw the differences between Electronic and Manual records in an organization
  • To understand types of electronic records
  • To appreciate the benefits accrued to effective electronic records management practices
  • Explain the terms, “records retention”, “disposal” and records protection
  • Explain the importance of a records retention programmes focusing on the economic and legal benefits of establishing a programme
  • Understand the principles and steps involved in the development of records retention schedules for their implementation.

Course Content