Phone: +254 100 996929

Knowledge Management

Categories: Enterprise Management
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About Course

The 3-day course is designed to provide participants with both a theoretical and practical understanding of the key concepts of Information and Knowledge Management, and provide them with the skills to apply and facilitate effective Knowledge Management processes. Some of the areas that will be covered in the workshop include an introduction to Knowledge Management; information and the Knowledge Economy; Knowledge Management as a Process; Knowledge Management Frameworks and Standards and Developing a Knowledge Management Strategy for an organization.


What Will You Learn?

  • Identify KM Systems
  • Demonstrate the application of modern KM
  • Identify the advantages of ( The New Technology Management) TNKM
  • Understand the key differences between 1st and 2nd generation KM
  • Distinguish KM from Knowledge Processing (KP)
  • View KM as a management discipline that seeks to enhance KP
  • See the practical distinction between knowledge and information
  • Understand a case study of KM success illustrating a key intervention pattern called OPEN Enterprise that provides the basis for a comprehensive KM Strategy

Course Content